Yangadoo's Aureate Amulet
f:991214/ dob 12th dec 1999




2½ år                                                      6 mån

6½ år!
Liten heter egentligen Li, men hon blev så liten när hon blev klippt, så därav namnet Liten! Hon fullständigt HATAR utställningar! Utställd en gång som valp, men det fick räcka tyckte hon!
Hon har väldigt bestämda åsikter om saker, en riktig lhasa!  Hon är våran stjärna här hemma! Hon är alltid cool, inte rädd för nåt, hon kan skrämma den största hund om det inte passar, en grand danois tex..:-o (har hänt!!!)
" Liten är störst och bäst" :-) 
Hon och hennes syster "Vicky" håller alltid ihop.


Liten is a little dog with a big personality! this little dog has attitude by the sackful! She hates shows, thinks they are beneath her.. shes far too good for that sort of game! she has far more important things to do with her time!

She is totally fearless and is the Alpha dog, she ensures the house runs smoothly, Liten doesnt really care if youre not happy if shes doing something, if shes happy thats good enough for her! She has the heart of a lion and she isnt the slightest bit afraid of big dogs, they are more scared of her!  she is however deeply in love with my malinois.
Liten however has a lovely character and such a big personality that we cant help but love her, she is not the sort of dog that goes crazy when we have visitors, instead she will sit back and watch and consider if they are deserving enough for her to grace them with her presence, if so she will then introduce herself, but like everything else with Liten its all on her terms.....

 valpklass/ in Puppy class:

Stamtavla här! /Pedigree here!